"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Hello readers!

I'm Raquel and this week I was assigned the translator role. This is my second time as translator. So, I hope to do it better than the first one! =)

Both laws, which are the main and important topics that are going to be carried out in the mysterious game when we come back holidays, have differences as well as similarities respect to the Spanish System education and to education in general, measures that affect to our country and therefore to us. 

AS translator I am and after reading the whole group the 6 topics to do the questions for the game, I have to choose the five more important definitions that we have learn this week. I think that the main words are:

INEQUALITIES: It is understood Inequalities as disparity or dissimilarity that some students experience in their education field where they are lots of differences respect to the rest of the students.These differences between students are caused by social, geography;location, gender ethnicity, poverty and disabilities, which are the most common reasons. Most disadvantaged or rural areas suffer from these inequalities. For example, in Yemen, children keep out of the school because of they don't have the necessary tools and resources to go. Even poverty increases mostly this. So, we see that due to geographical reasons, these children cannot be educated as they deserve, so they are in disadvantage.As Unesco says, "Around 45% of 7- to 16-year olds from poor households in both rural and urban areas have never been to school. 

Unesco affirms that "The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) draws attention to unacceptable levels of education inequality across countries and between groups within countries, with the aim informing policy design and public debate" (UNESCO, 2008; pag; 0,1,14)



ORGANIZATION: It's a important term because not only for knowing what is the definition, but also to understand the subject School Organization. This term means to have everything in an order. School organization therefore is how school and all the members and contributors are structured in a specific context, in this case, the school.There are lots of types of organizations like associations, cooperatives that fight to get a common goal. In the case of the school, all the context of the school is organized by the current law and the Spanish Education System that make decisions cooperatively to change things and measures that can be improved to increase the quality of the country and their inhabitants.Then, there other cooperatives that also participate in these changes that are local in the specific place where school is situated such as School Board(Consejo Escolar), Leadership team (cuerpo directivo), teacher assembly and even other less important but at the same time very important because all the changes affect directly them, the students and consequently parents through the representative or parents associations. 


SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN called in Spanish Language Proyecto educativo

It consists in a working document created by non-university education institutions. It appears in it the values, objectives and priorities, its assessment of how current trends
and future factors could impact on the school. Also, it includes the specific curriculum established by the Education Authority.Social and cultural background of each different school has to be considered in it because this could be encourage the inequality According to the background, this plan have to give answer to the wide diversity of students student diversity and also how has to performance a teacher as a tutor as well.
It has two main aims: avoid discrimination solving the inequalities and attend to the diversity to be socially included in the relationships (inclusion social)
 This plan improve of course the school organization 

http://www.deni.gov.uk/sdp_guidance-2.pdf (Pág 1, 2)

CURRICULUMIt's the set of basic competences, objetives, contents and the criteria for methodologies to teach and to do a evaluation that student have to get in a educational level.All the scholar context have to be under curriculum rules not only the contens but also the methodologies that can be carried out by teachers or even the basic competences for example in primary education there are 8 main important that we learn in Planificación de la Acción Educativa in the first fourth-month period. This curriculum is a process because the curriculum created by the State is one in the organizational view and this is changes according to the specific area by autonomous communities and this one is also rechange by school and teachers from a pedagogical point of view according to the diversity, ethnicity, culture and needs of the place and of the students.


EVALUATION: it's another important term because it's an action that takes part in our life. I think that in this subject we have done lots of evaluations about our collegues and our works done each week. Most of members of the group don't know what is exactly evaluation, I mean how can we develop a evaluation properly. I think that this week, we have performanced as a team of teachers because we had to meet to decide what are the best questions and answer according to lots of things as if they are good, with quality, understandable etc. Then, we had to decide only a few of them and evaluate them in the webpage that Linda ordered us. So, I think that in this moment, we performance as teachers that evaluate other learners. Evaluation therefore is an continue process of recommendations that teachers has to do in order to student can make sure that they have learned in a good way something in concrete. Evaluating doesn't mean to put an exam and see how a student has answered to the questions. It's the contrary, there are lots of different ways to evaluate if a student have learned something or not and these may be more effective than a simple final exam. You can evaluate through works, practices, games, doing different activities and trips the whole class to visit places that can be related to content and after that doing a set of questions related to the trip, his feelings etc. I think that it's a good way to evaluate children from their experience and improve the quality of the learning. 

And that is all for this week. I hope you undertand all the definitions and enjoy reading them!=)=)

Thank you very muchh!!

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