I'm Raquel Ramón.
This week I perform as the analyst of my group and my function is to analyse
all the members of the group, the work and evaluate the group in general.
So, let's start.
We had to read
2 topics about the activity, organization and administration of the schools and
so on.
We had to read
the topic number 2 and 5. Topic 2 was about the organization of the schools in
Primary Education and the topic 5 about the administration of educational
institutions. The last was a bit difficult but it was Ok, we started to
work on them. We had to compare the previous law LOE with the current one
facilitators split in two groups the big group in 4 persons per group and work
in each topic and then meet all together to create the maps.
Coming back the
role of Analyst.. I have to say that I was quite confusing for doing this role,
because it is the first time that I do this role and I didn't know what will I
start with ( evaluating the group, respond to the questions etc)..
I have to say
that the best part of
the activity is....
to make the things
in a different way. I mean, the idea of doing a conceptual map is a good way to
improve our knowledge because we have to make a map where it appears the main
concepts and important things of each topic. So, it can be very useful for our
future as teachers. We can motivate children to learn by this way. I know
exactly that it is useful because I am a visual learner. I learn in a easier
way by organized and structured contents by schemes, conceptual maps. After
seeing the structured and clear content, I can develop and explain the rest of
the content or specific and less important content that doesn't appear in the
main concepts. So, it's a excellent tool to improve and make easy the learning
process not only ours but also your pupils ones.
Maybe, the worst part of the activity is...
to work with
the laws. I think that it's important to know the laws and about the
educational System these is part of our life. We are involved in the world and
everything about it affects us not only as students like right now but also as
teachers in a school. Why, it's important to know the laws? I think that we
have to know to manage the class and pupils and everything is involved
according to the legislation, the current law LOMCE and see with the previous
one, LOE what are the progress and the improvement between them and what are
the changes and advantages of this. But also, I think that reading the laws and
different parts of them are very boring. Maybe it could be more effective if we
learn the laws and characteristics is a practical way, with real examples of
this, different context and different situations that we could have with the
necessity of facing them up...
According to my
class- mates, the best moment
of the week is ....
in general all
days, because in this week I can't stand out a specific or special day or
moment. We have worked as hard as possible, according with the time. Maybe is
other negative aspect. We cannot work as we wish because we don't get much time
for doing the activities. But, lately, I see that all the members of the group are
working so hard, but we have to improve, because I think that all of us want to
get a good grade and work together for this. According to the
"friendship" it seems that we all are working in a more reliable way,
I mean, we have some problems every week, but we are used to work in a group. So,
this could strengthen the quality of the group.
The worse moment of the group could be.....
the moment when
we had to decide how to do the maps. As facilitators split the group in two groups
of 4, one group did the work before the other one and we saw their conceptual
map and we thought that they could improve it and make it clearer and with more
quality. So, in this moment, there were some problems and argues in the
conception of a conceptual map, links, more or less text etc. But, finally we
sort out the problems and they change some things that could be clearer in
other way. Also, we used
Inspiration 9 program because personally, we were looking into different
programs to make the map and Inspiration 9 was the best and the most creative
program for us, because it give us more flexibility and more styles to do
According to
the learning...
I have to say
that we have learnt some important things about the current law. We were
comparing the two laws and we saw that there are almost no differences between
both. We found that the current specified and give more details of things that
also are in the other law. Why does the current law give more details? I think
so because nowadays, the laws change with politics and government ideas and
every time that a politic party is repealed; the new law is coming and appear.
But, also, most of them have been complemented in some aspects as we saw in
education aspect. It supposes that they are introducing to improve the rights
of the society to advance and create a better world. This affect us, above all,
in terms of education and for it, the current Law specified more, for example,
in terms of the executive equip' functions and the functions of the teachers
According to
the group T8T, we have to conserve....
the interactive
meetings of all members. For doing this week my role, they have been helping me
to share their points of views about the subject; exactly the activity and they
have been very useful to me to understand better everything about this project.
Also, facilitator have a good idea to split the groups because occasionally, we
need to be in smaller groups to share the ideas of all the members, to be more
relaxed and work better, and when a part of the group agree in every aspect,
share it with the other part of the group. It's easier, I think. Also, we
are going to meet the next week to talk about all the problems in order to can
improve as group. Working in group is the most powerful tools that we can do to
learn through interactions and share different ideas and views and enrich
yourself from the originality of other and learn from them.I''m going to put some comments from my class mates at the end of the post =)
What we have to improve is....
the confidence
in ourselves and between class mates. Sometimes, a class mate said.. hey! You
have to improve the post because it's not clear and incomplete because you have
to put this and this and this. And, you argue with him or her because you don't
see the things as other do, and you think that he or she is disturbing me and
that's all. But, maybe we have to open our minds and analyse the situation,
look up the information about this y said.. Oh wait! I think that you could be
all right... I'm going to change and see what can I improve... This would be
the idea. Work together
as one.
question of how this content is related to other contents in the course
and in the degree is interesting...
In our degree,
we must fit the law in each moment. If the law has the aim of avoiding the school
failure in our country, this collects different educational methods that we
learn in order to get in the best way the efficient learning of the students.
For instance,
my degree is Bilingual, and one of the examples to respond the current
educational needs as linguistic inversion is.
On the other
hand, we are studying to get the required competences to be a good professional
in our job as teachers and as citizens. This activity that we have looked
into about the Education Spanish System takes part in the School Organization
subject. This therefore is a one of the contents that we have to learn to the future.
So, this takes
part in TPACK in the CONTENT, because TPACK collect the three main competences
that a good teacher has to acquire. So, the content, pedagogy and technologies
had to be learnt by teacher to the future.
The current law
try to adapt their judgments to the needs that society requires in each moment,
by considering the main principles equity and equality.
So, there are a
relation between the law and the society because the development of the law
regulates participation among school, family and students reflected in the news
So, as I said before, I leave you some of comments that I have collected from my class mates about the activity of this week. This comments have helped me to have the ideas clearer.
What do you think about the activity?
All the group agree we have not done the work as we wanted, because we haven't got much time to do it better. So we are not satisfied with our work at all. We could have done better.
Also, some of the members as Laura and Isa have told me that despite being the laws a bit boring, this are the basic content that we have to know,but it would be more interesting in a practical way. I mean, maybe we'll acquire the content in a effective way with examples of the real life, we won't remember the topics, of course, but if we see the laws in other perspective, giving real situation that we can find in our school.
Other people like Paz and the both Ana ( Ana Sánchez and Ana Ruíz) say that reading the laws and comparing them have the aim of knowing deeply our educational system that affect to our environment in the school, for example, and creating a conceptual maps could be a good way to learn from our class mates. Now, we have a bit of knowledge about how are structured the schools, the administration, the main aims of the law etc...
Alba, for example, says that this is a hard going activity, with lot of content and maybe a bit confusing because we have never study this and it's other kind of content, a bit confused as well.
And why have we to learn and know the Laws and so on?
Because, we are in a degree to be in a future teachers or something related with the education. So, here, we are developing different useful things to improve our skills and have the capacity to get the required competences. So, learn and know who move us into the legislation and so on plays an important role in the characterictis of a teacher.
Thank you so much for reading my post!
I hope you enjoy!!
If you have any question, tell me whenever you want! :P
See you soon!=)=)
What do you think about the activity?
All the group agree we have not done the work as we wanted, because we haven't got much time to do it better. So we are not satisfied with our work at all. We could have done better.
Also, some of the members as Laura and Isa have told me that despite being the laws a bit boring, this are the basic content that we have to know,but it would be more interesting in a practical way. I mean, maybe we'll acquire the content in a effective way with examples of the real life, we won't remember the topics, of course, but if we see the laws in other perspective, giving real situation that we can find in our school.
Other people like Paz and the both Ana ( Ana Sánchez and Ana Ruíz) say that reading the laws and comparing them have the aim of knowing deeply our educational system that affect to our environment in the school, for example, and creating a conceptual maps could be a good way to learn from our class mates. Now, we have a bit of knowledge about how are structured the schools, the administration, the main aims of the law etc...
Alba, for example, says that this is a hard going activity, with lot of content and maybe a bit confusing because we have never study this and it's other kind of content, a bit confused as well.
And why have we to learn and know the Laws and so on?
Because, we are in a degree to be in a future teachers or something related with the education. So, here, we are developing different useful things to improve our skills and have the capacity to get the required competences. So, learn and know who move us into the legislation and so on plays an important role in the characterictis of a teacher.
Thank you so much for reading my post!
I hope you enjoy!!
If you have any question, tell me whenever you want! :P
See you soon!=)=)
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