It´s Ana Mª Sánchez, the facilitator for the task
"Synthesising knowledge", our last task for the "Educational
Resources" part of the course #SOyER1314... but the course is continuing
and this blog too...
First of all, I will show you the T8T Rota, made by
our first facilitator. As it can be seen, the roles for “week 5” are specified
there, well, we could say for “task 5” (because actually I think we have had 7
weeks; but one of them was spent in reviewing our previous work and the other
one was centered in Londones visit and it was included into the big task “the
dark side of textbooks”, but highlighting its special place there).
This task has made us rethink the topics that had been
proposed during the first part of the semester... And I say "rethink"
because we tried to synthesise and think in an animated way... helped by the
tool "moovly". We only had 1'30'' for doing so, and we knew since the
very beginning that was not going to be an easy job… or maybe things were not
so clear at first.
Actually, the first time this task was explained to
the class, our team didn´t know if keeping the roles or not, the same happened
to others groups. In our team, some members offered themselves to summarize our
experiences, but the result was not what was expected from us… When our teacher
explained it for the second time to the whole class and she made clear what she
didn´t want, we organised the task in a different way. It was then when we saw
things clear: this was a huge task. Why? Because synthesising is itself
complicated: not repeat, not make just a summary, but recreate in a connected
way what we had been meant to learn: the concepts, abilities, attitudes… and
that LOE-concept, “competences”, that integrates everything and is led by
“ethical purposes” as Escudero Muñoz, J. (2008) explains.
We decided that we were going to split ourselves into
four couples, and every couple would be in charge of one of the main topics:
“TPACK model”, “Map projections” (with its treasure hunt and its reality
distortions), “Creative commons & presentations” and “The dark side of text
books”. As a facilitator, I decided that I preferred moovly rather than powtoon,
just because I had a look to both tools and moovly seemed to match better with
what I thought the aim of the task was, and none of the team members manifested
to prefer the other tool.
After exploring the tool and experimenting all the
panic it created (“What a huge task!”, “I have no idea how to use it!”… Yes,
T8T Whatsapp group was burning…), the result was pretty good: almost all the
couples had finished their own work by the deadline (friday before
presentation), and the rest had to make just a few modifications in order to
make it more attractive, short or simple by removing some words… I think that
making ourselves work on the tasks separately was good, because we could later
add quality to the final result by having trained ourselves in managing moovly
with a concrete theme to recreate.
My experience as a facilitator hasn´t been bad, but
has been difficult. It is not easy to arrange things and to say to your mates
what should or shouldn´t be done… Maybe the part I´m more proud of is the blog
organization… I didn´t think I was going to be able to reconfigure the blog,
not everything was perfect (the group didn´t like the colours and pictures that
I chose in the first place) but we all did enjoy the new arrangement (even if
we know we can improve it even more. So let´s improve whatever is needed!
See you soon as a
journalist in the second part of the course,
Ana Mª Sánchez, The facilitator.
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