"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Hello, I’m Alba, the journalist for this last week that has gone by.  I’m going to make a summary of our last weeks task.

First day - Tuesday 18th February.

We had an hour of class in which we did a little organising of how we were going to work, however, the most important part of the day was after out lessons because we stayed at the university, ate there and did our work. First, we divided ourselves into small groups, each doing different tasks in order to work more efficiently. It was a stressful evening, when we thought everything had been put together, with only small bits and pieces to be finished, while talking amongst ourselves we realised that we had chosen the same topic as another group, so we decided to change the topic and start all over again.
As a result it was a very long day, by the end we felt we had everything under control and most of the job done.

Second day - Wednesday 19th February

We didn’t meet up physically on Wednesday, but we kept in touch on the internet or by mobile on WhatsApp, so if we had any doubts we asked the others, we sent everyone else a copy of each modification that each of us had made.

Third day – Thursday 20th February

We were in class, with all the work done, when we again decided to completely change our topic. After the chaos of having chosen the same topic as another group we then decided to choose ”energy sources”, and having done that, on Thursday we decided to change it completely.
We thought of creating a short story aimed at primary school children, so we again had to plan each of our tasks to have it finished by the end of the weekend.

Fourth, fifth and sixth days – Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd February

We were on the final stretch, however, with each one of us back in our home towns and villages we again worked together using the internet, sending the others in the group all the files and links, working hard to put everything together. As the weekend went by, everything was getting done, and each one of us was reviewing it to make sure there weren't any mistakes.

Seventh day- Monday 24th February

Even though we had to do two different presentations, on Monday, our star Raquel Ramon had only to present the slide-show about energy sources. It wasn’t as successful as we had hoped. We did our best but not in the best way, we did not correctly understand the target and the characteristics, so the presentation didn’t go as we had planned. Nevertheless, we must extract the positives from this experience, we’ve learnt from it and so we know what needs modifying.

As a result of this week's endeavours, I want to highlight that from every bad outcome you can always extract a good one; you should always try to learn from your errors and mistakes. 

T8T working together on tuesday evening

Putting all the work together

And lastly, I would like to recommend one of my classmate’s blog which are Give Me 7. I’m amazed with the appearance, organization and structure of the blog. From T8T we would like to congratulate them. Don’t forget to check it out!

See you shortly,

Alba Ramsay

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