"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


Hello everyone, again! I’m Ana Ruiz and this week  I’m the journalist.

This week we have been working about The Dark Side of Textbooks.
We never have stopped and thinking on textbooks and we can say that search and work on that topic has been worth, we have  realize what is happening. To know that something so easy as a textbook seems, has something behind, something which is an ideology and an economical marked as some editorials are.

This has been a long week...

Monday 3rd of March:
Firstly we were informed about the new amazing activity (the bad side of textbooks) and also we tweeted @londoness , that was something mysterious because we didn’t know who she was but she was going to come to our class. Visit that we were so exciting to have during a week.

Tuesday 4th of March:
The second day of work, the group were together and we decided to explain the topic with videos because we thought that it could be a shocking and so clear way.
Also, for that day we had read the documents, in order to understand the activity and the meaning of the activity.

Thursday, 6th of March
The third day we started working on videos. At first, we choose the messages of the three advertisements. But then was difficult to decide which ideas we could use to transmit the message. But finally, we had a clear idea and was so easy to carry out the work.

Saturday 8th of March

That day, was a fatidical day because we lost our work, all that we have record, so we had to organize again.

 Monday 10th  of March

Monday was a very full day. We have to record again to prepare the advertisements.

Then we had the amazing visit of Mercedes Ruiz.  We learnt a lot, and the most important, she transmit us lot of feelings such as motivation . We were absolutly concentrate in her and in his words. We spent a very nice time with him.

Thursday 13th  and Monday 17th of March

Those days we had the expositions of our works.
We saw a lot of advertisements, comics, a fable and an infographic, four ways to express and represent the dark side of textbooks. 


This week, we decided to mark out Brainstorming blog  because of his great  work on the fable and also because we like the way they work.  7brainstorming.blogspot.com.es

But  we have to congratule   Giveme7 blog too. They  have done a very good work with their infographic and they have show us a new useful method to work with. And we like their work in the  blog. http://giveme7blog.blogspot.com.es/ 

1 comment:

  1. En esta pestaña irán apareciendo los videos de una sesión ubuntu :-)) http://uniblogmaniacos.blogspot.com.es/p/session-en.html

    With love!
    Lady Díriga
